The Scoop

Hey, I will not close this blog ok?

Monday, 20 October 2008

Wow! I like this! LOL! (This is found at the astrophysics building -- forgot the name of the building already.) Why there is no art work at the law building?! =.=


Unknown said...

this is the reply for your last sentence:
bcs astrophysics people are more artistic~~
hehehe..btw where's our art project~
that's one of our 心血le~

ley said...

LOL! Undoubtedly, yes. Haha. Coz they had physics art competition. But they dun hav law art competition. Haha!

可怜你咯,folio 和 artifak 都被拿掉了。至少我还有folio 可以留念。哈哈!可惜咯,我忘记帮我的 stamp 拍照。唉!去找 fatimah 算账!呵呵!

我封笔很久了咯。现在叫我画,我都不懂画得出来吗。不过真的很想画,所以那天 desperate 到用咖啡当颜料。效果是不错啦,可是我不会控制,又很慢干。那天又没有画笔咯,所以用手指来画。 =.=

所以,成品不懂是什么 sai 咯。第一次用手指画画。

显咯,这里找不到像 style art 的店,劣质颜料画纸画笔都要酱贵。无言。

Wanderer said...

a lot of things in astrophysics are hypothetical and hard to prove leh..

so a lot of abstract stuff lor..

not like Law...

hehe.. but at least u got a statue la.. the lady who has blindfold, holding a balance and a sword.. hehehe...

popquiz!! what does the three item on her represent!!! tell me quick! no cheating by reading book!!!