The Scoop

Hey, I will not close this blog ok?

Saturday 30 August 2008

See you! Ah Leong!

Our dearest friend, Ah Leong has just departed few minutes ago from KLIA. Wish him all the best and may God bless him and guide him on his upcoming journey.

Friday 29 August 2008

I find it meaningful

I saw a post in Ezra's blog which I find it meaningful. You should read it.!579945430B037D70!491.entry

A Journey to KLCC

I got my visa already.

This indicates that my departure is coming very soon. Aww... Mixed feeling...

I got back all of my documents. They are all safe. My parents' fixed deposit slip, geran tanah, and other documents are back into their safe. Thank God. If not I'll get killed due to my stupidity. There is an idiom "curiosity kills the cat". I think it should be : stupidity kills Hanley. LOL

After I got my visa, my mum and I decided to go KLCC Suria for a stroll, since the flight is at 2.25 and it was still early. We knew that KLCC is near from Wisma MCA, but we didn't know that it is so near! We took a cab, asked the driver to send us to KLCC. He looked at us : "KLCC dekat saja. bla bla bla... " Before he finishes the bla bla bla, we reached there already. The fare is damn cheap! I've never get a cab ride at RM 2.

As we had came to KLCC one week before this, I actually had my eye on one overall coat. Due to time constrain, I didn't get a chance to go into the shop. Finally I got my chance to grab that home. My mum agreed with my taste too. Haha! So we went into the grandly furnished Burberry shop. I rush to that coat with lightning speed, leaving my mum far behind. I actually didn't look at price tag when I want to purchase something. Bad habit, I know. I had a price in my heart. It should be around 2k. "Get me a M sized coat, I want to try it." The lady went in and I continue to eye for other stuffs. Accidentally, and luckily, the price tag dropped out from the coat out of sudden. This had shocked me terribly -- more than 4 times the price in my head. I looked at my mum, and she thought that I still want to buy after knowing the price (because I always give her that kind of look when I want something). We get out of the shop afterthat. I didn't buy that of course. "You haven't start to earn money and yet still want to buy expensive stuff. bla bla bla..." OK. The lesson is : never decide to buy something before looking at the price. Anyway, I like that coat so much. That coat should be thick enough to keep me warm.

Enough of craps and I've out of blogging ideas. It is late already, anyway.

Monday 25 August 2008

I can smell it

I can smell UK. It's so near, yet so far.

I'll be leaving soon, but I'm not mentally prepared at all! It will be a long journey. It takes 13 hours to reach Heathrow, 3 hours waiting time for transit, 1 hour to my destination. This is not the main point. I'm going to face a totally stranger's society, by myself without companion. I will be meeting Caucasians, who may marginalise me, probably by not necessarily, to a corner.

Actually, I felt quite comfortable for me alone going to a new place, though this is my first time leaving home. After the pre-departure briefing by UoM, I felt I'm so inferior. I met many calibre students, and banana of course (sorry ya, no offence). I'm stepping into a mandarin-free dungeon, unarmoredly.

Where is the confident-me? I felt so uneasy right now. I may become an alien, to be chased out of milky way.

I need companions, now.

Assistance please!

Tuesday 19 August 2008

VIsa Application

I went to UK visa office yesterday to sort out with my visa application. The whole process is really a nuisance! From locating the office till the end of the process. Headache!

We travelled by car. When we reached KL, it was already 11 am. Gosh! The office will be closing at 3 pm, but we didn't even know where the heck Wisma MCA is. We were playing merry go round in the city of KL, trapped in the heavy traffic, searching for the building desperately.

We have wasted 1 hour plus, searching the building in nowhere. Out of desperation, we decided to find a cab to lead us to the destination. While searching for cab, we saw the biggest post office in Malaysia, was just not far from us. So my dad drove to there, and asked a postman (yes postman), to guide us. He got onto our car, and finally, thanks to him, we arrived at Wisma MCA at 1pm.

When we reached, the guard only allows me to go into the office. The security measures are really !@#$%^&*()! Ok never mind. I can handle those things by myself (I thought I could).

When I got in, I was told that I need to pay the application fees by bank draft. The officer didn't even tell me regarding this when I called for enquiries. So my dad have to go and buy bank draft.

They called me after 30 minutes of waiting. I proceeded to the counter, and take out all the required documents. The officer that was handling my application is inexperienced, I think. He never check what I have submitted. I have submitted my passport, results, school leaving certificates, birth certificate and many other documents. This is not the main point. I can now show my stupidity to the whole world. I submitted my parents' fixed deposit slip and many other original documents that I should not submit. See! I'm stupid right?

I got scolded, expectedly, due to my stupidity. My fault.

Just now, my mum told me that she met many proud and arrogant applicants. Those applicants think that they are very great and look down at us. It is because sometimes we dressed till very very very poor looking. My mum restate an idiot's word to me: "Those people just come here to try their luck to get visa, even though they can't get it! Hahahahaha.........." Their conversation is in english. They think that my mum doesn't know english. Idiot. So what? You idiot go UK so what? What uni you go and waht uni I go? You think you rich then you are very great la! You are nothing but just a rich idiot that can afford to go to UK to study but not in an academically prestigious uni! Idiot!

Monday 11 August 2008

Mixed content

Thanks for The Lord's grace! All the honour shall be Yours!

I'll be leaving to Manchester to study Law soon. Do remember me ya!

Anyone going to UK for further studies? Please inform me so that we can meet in UK ya!

One month left. Current plan : meet all of my friends before i leave.

Can anyone tell me what to bring? I'm really lazy to make a checklist. So, anyone can be my reminder?

Ah leong, kei jin, kei yi, wei heng, sorry for cancelling the trip. I didn't expect my dad will object me to go. Sorry for making you guys so dissapointed.